Title: BayesTwin - An R package for Bayesian Analysis of Twin Data Authors: Inga Schwabe, Stˇphanie M. van den Berg Affiliation: University of Twente Abstract: In a behavior genetics study, one is typically interested in determining the relative contributions of nature and nurture in causing individual differences in a behavioral trait. To this end, often twin data is used to decompose observed variance in family members into genetic variance, shared-environmental variance and unique-environmental variance. Where in the last quarter of the 20th century, mostly structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for statistical inference, the first decade of the 21st century has seen increased use of Bayesian modeling. This has opened up new modeling possibilities such as inference on complex models that were not easily tractable using standard frequentist techniques, including models based on Item Response Theory (IRT) or modeling gene-environment interaction in the presence of gene-environment correlation. However, the twin research community still seems reluctant to embrace this new technology, partly due to a lack of standard for reporting results based on twin data. To make Bayesian analysis more accessible for twin researchers, we introduce the R package BayesTwin. The package includes a wide range of twin models that can be estimated using the program JAGS as well as functions that determine whether the analysis was performed well and functions to plot relevant information. BayesTwin can be downloaded from the GitHub account of the first author.