Title: R-Package cmm: Categorical Marginal Models Author: Andries van der Ark Affiliation: Tilburg University Abstract: Categorical marginal models (CMMs) are a class of robust and flexible statistical models that can handle complex dependency structures in the data without the requirement of additional distributional assumptions. CMMs are so general that they can solve a sheer infinite number of data-analysis problems. Despite these attractive properties, CMMs are seldom used because they are difficult to understand, because there is no user-friendly software available, and because-until recently-CMMs could be applied to small data sets only. We contributed the R-package cmm (Bergsma & Van der Ark, 2009), which provides ML estimates, standard errors, and fit statistics for CMMs. The package is flexible in the sense that-as far as we know-any CMM can be estimated. Due to its flexibility the package is not very user-friendly, which has resulted in only four citations (including two self-citations) in the last five years on Google Scholar. Our main challenge is to redevelop the R package into a user-friendly tool that will boost the use of CMMs. In the workshop, I will give a short introduction to CMMs, demonstrate the R package, and I discuss the ideas for improving the package.