Title: BlenderFace - A Package for Evaluating Rater-Free Video-Based Measurement of Facial Movements Authors: Rainer Alexandrowicz, Axel Zinkernagel, Tanja Lischetzke, Manfred Schmitt Affiliation: Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt Abstract: The current gold standard for assessing facial emotion expressions relies on the commercial Facial Action Coding System (FACS), requiring certified trained raters to laboriously scrutinize a recording with respect to more than 60 so-called Action Units (groups of muscles inducing mimic expressions such as Lower Lip Depressors or Chin Raisers, for example). We present a new rater-free facial expression assessment system allowing for arbitrarily fine graded automated capturing of mimic expressions using solely open source software. We present the assembly along with an R package allowing for processing the output. In an example evaluation we show how true and fake facial expressions of emotions like anger or disgust might be differenciated with the recorded parameters.