Title: Modern Missing-Data Methods Implemented in the R Package semTools Author: Terrence D. Jorgensen Affiliation: University of Amsterdam Abstract: Missing data are ubiquitous in social and behavioral sciences. If data are missing completely at random (a very restrictive assumption), traditional deletion methods yield unbiased point estimates but can lower power considerably. If data are merely missing at random conditional on the variables in the model (a more realistic assumption), deletion methods yield biased point estimates, and single-imputation methods yield inflated Type I errors due to biased SEs. Modern methods for missing data analysis include multiple imputation and maximum likelihood (ML) estimation, which yield unbiased point and SE estimates when data are missing at random. Although multiple imputation can be used prior to analysis using any parametric model, specifying even ANOVA and regression models as structural equation models (SEM) allows users to take advantage of ML methods as well. The R package semTools is part of the lavaan ecosystem, providing additional functionality available in popular commercial SEM software (e.g., Mplus, EQS) that is not available in lavaan itself. The semTools package provides a suite of missing data tools, allowing users (a) to diagnose the potential effect of missing data on inferences, (b) to automatically incorporate auxiliary variables using the "saturated correlates" approach when fitting a model using lavaan's full-information ML estimator, (c) to easily implement multiple imputation or two-stage ML, or (d) to appropriately implement the Bollen-Stine bootstrap for partially observed data. I will introduce the functionality and options available in semTools, using applied examples as a guide.