Title: Experience of Using the R Software Environment for the National Assessment Data Processing Authors: Mariia Mazorchuk Affiliation: Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment Abstract: Every country holding a national assessment in its education system for the first time faces a number of problems related to the development of methodological support and operating activities for such assessments as well as to collecting, storage and processing of the received data. Last year Ukraine was holding the National Assessment of Primary Education Quality for the first time. Nine thousand fourth-year students from over 300 Ukrainian primary schools participated in the research. This national assessment is focused on measuring the level of primary school graduates' competence in Reading and Mathematics. The test and survey results processing was one of the most important stages of this assessment. The assessment results were mainly processed by the experts of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment. In order to receive the full understanding of the level of primary school graduates' competence in Reading and Mathematics, the following main tasks were set for data processing: raw scoring of test participants' results; analyses of psychometric features of the measurement instruments developed for the assessment (Reading and Mathematics tests and test items); searching the relations between the various factors of the educational environment and the levels of students' performance according to the test results; visually presenting the assessment results in an eye-friendly form for the general public, and others. The R functions were used to solve these tasks. Carrying out the necessary calculations of the psychometric parameters and statistical characteristics in the expeditious and high quality manner was possible only due to the freely available packages of the R Software Environment. We present the results of experience with R functions used for data processing within the National Assessment of Primary Education Quality held in Ukraine in 2018.