Title: Stability Assessment of Tree Ensembles and Psychotrees Authors: Lennart Schneider, Achim Zeileis, Carolin Strobl Affiliation: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Abstract: While individual trees (classification and regression trees as well as model-based trees) are easy to interpret, their results can be instable in the sense that small changes in the data can lead to very different looking trees. The R package "stablelearner" allows for assessing the stability of individual trees by providing a toolbox of plots and descriptive statistics. In this talk, we demonstrate how "stablelearner" can now also be used to visually assess the stability of tree ensembles (bagging and random forests). These tree ensembles can either be fit in "stablelearner" directly relying on base learners of the "partykit" package or externally relying on the R packages "party", "partykit" or "randomForest". Finally, we also demonstrate how to assess the stability of model-based trees of item response models, e.g., raschtrees fitted via the "psychotree" package, which can be added to "stablelearner"'s LearnerList.