## Selected textbooks with online versions of the Grunfeld data ## ## - Greene (1993) ## source: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/tables/Datasets.htm ## firms: see below ## errors: see below ## remarks: physically identical to Greene (2003) ## - Greene (1998) ## source: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/tables/Tbl15_1.htm ## firms: see below ## errors: see below ## remarks: physically identical to Greene (2003) ## - Baltagi (2002) ## source: http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/grunfeld.dat.txt?SGWID=0-0-45-108560-0 ## firms: 10 (except American Steel) ## errors: none ## - Baltagi (2005) ## source: http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileychi/baltagi/supp/Grunfeld.fil ## firms: 10 (except American Steel) ## errors: none ## - Greene (2003) ## source: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/tables/TableF13-1.txt ## firms: 5 (General Motors, US Steel, General Electric, Chrysler, Westinghouse) ## errors: invest_1940 = 261.6 (US Steel) ## invest_1952 = 645.2 (US Steel) ## capital_1946 = 232.6 (US Steel) ## - Greene (2008) ## source: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/Edition6/Grunfeld.txt ## firms: 10 (except American Steel) ## errors: none ## remarks: physically identical to Baltagi (2005) but with mal-formatted header line ## - Hill, Griffiths, Lim (2008) ## source: http://www.principlesofeconometrics.com/dat/grunfeld.dat ## firms: 10 (except American Steel) ## errors: invest_1953 = 81.90 (Atlantic Refining) ## invest_1952 = 645.2 (US Steel) ## capital_1946 = 232.6 (US Steel) ## names of firms and variables firms <- c("General Motors", "US Steel", "General Electric", "Chrysler", "Atlantic Refining", "IBM", "Union Oil", "Westinghouse", "Goodyear", "Diamond Match", "American Steel") vars <- c("invest", "value", "capital", "firm", "year") ## Obtain online version? (or use local copy instead) online <- FALSE ## all 11 firms Grunfeld11 <- read.csv("Grunfeld.csv", header = TRUE) Grunfeld11$firm <- factor(Grunfeld11$firm, levels = firms) ## 10 firms (without American Steel) Grunfeld10 <- subset(Grunfeld11, firm %in% firms[1:10]) ## 5 firms (General Motors, US Steel, General Electric, Chrysler, Westinghouse) Grunfeld5 <- subset(Grunfeld11, firm %in% firms[c(1:4, 8)]) ## Baltagi (2002) Baltagi1 <- read.table(paste(ifelse(online, "http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/", ""), "grunfeld.dat.txt", ifelse(online, "?SGWID=0-0-45-108560-0", ""), sep = ""), header = TRUE) ## re-arrange variables Baltagi1 <- Baltagi1[, c(3:5, 1:2)] names(Baltagi1) <- vars Baltagi1$firm <- factor(Baltagi1$firm, levels = 1:11, labels = firms) ## check: ok identical(Baltagi1, Grunfeld10) ## Baltagi (2005) Baltagi2 <- read.table(paste(ifelse(online, "http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileychi/baltagi/supp/", ""), "Grunfeld.fil", sep = ""), header = FALSE) ## re-arrange variables Baltagi2 <- Baltagi2[, c(3:5, 1:2)] names(Baltagi2) <- vars Baltagi2$firm <- factor(Baltagi2$firm, levels = 1:11, labels = firms) ## check: ok identical(Baltagi2, Grunfeld10) ## Table F13.3 of Greene (2003) Greene <- read.table(paste(ifelse(online, "http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/tables/", ""), "TableF13-1.txt", sep = ""), header = TRUE) ## re-arrange firms/variables Greene <- Greene[c(1:20, 81:100, 41:60, 21:40, 61:80), c(3:5, 2:1)] names(Greene) <- vars row.names(Greene) <- c(1:80, 141:160) Greene$firm <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 8), rep(20, 5)) Greene$firm <- factor(Greene$firm, levels = 1:11, labels = firms) ## check: fails identical(Greene, Grunfeld5) ## errors in Greene (2003) Greene$invest[c(26, 38)] <- c(361.6, 645.5) Greene$capital[32] <- 132.6 ## check again: ok identical(Greene, Grunfeld5) ## Greene (2008) Greene2 <- read.table(paste(ifelse(online, "http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/Edition6/", ""), "Grunfeld.txt", sep = ""), header = FALSE, skip = 1) ## re-arrange variables Greene2 <- Greene2[, c(3:5, 1:2)] names(Greene2) <- vars Greene2$firm <- factor(Greene2$firm, levels = 1:11, labels = firms) ## check: ok identical(Greene2, Grunfeld10) ## Hill, Griffiths, Lim (2008) HGL <- read.table(paste(ifelse(online, "http://www.principlesofeconometrics.com/dat/", ""), "grunfeld.dat", sep = "")) ## re-arrange firms/variables HGL <- HGL[, c(3:5, 1:2)] names(HGL) <- vars HGL$firm <- factor(HGL$firm, levels = 1:11, labels = firms) HGL$year <- as.integer(HGL$year + 1934) ## check: fails identical(HGL, Grunfeld10) ## errors in Hill, Griffiths, Lim (2008) HGL$invest[c(38, 99)] <- c(645.5, 91.9) HGL$capital[32] <- 132.6 ## check again: ok identical(HGL, Grunfeld10) ## Package AER accompanying Kleiber & Zeileis (2008) ## also provides 11 firm version data("Grunfeld", package = "AER") ## check: ok identical(Grunfeld, Grunfeld11)