@Unpublished{Zeileis:2024a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Visualizing Goodness of Fit of Probabilistic Regression Models}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2024 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {February 29--March 1}, year = {2024}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2024.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2023b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Pr{\"u}fungsformate in Gro{\ss}lehrveranstaltungen: Ideen, Infrastruktur, Erfahrungen}, note = {Presented at ``Tag der Lehre 2023'', Technische Hochschule Augsburg, Germany. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAUOTKnWb4s}}, month = {November 9}, year = {2023}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/TH-Augsburg-2023.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2023a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {A Toolbox for Probabilistic Regression Models: Forecasts, Visualizations, Scoring Rules, and Software Infrastructure}, note = {Presented at the Annual Workshop of the PhD Label Mathematics in Economics and Business, Wirtschaftsuniversit\"at Wien}, month = {September 25--26}, year = {2023}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/WU-2023.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Karapetyan+Zeileis+Henriksen:2023, author = {Siranush Karapetyan and Achim Zeileis and André Henriksen and Alexander Hapfelmeier}, title = {Tree Models for Assessing Covariate-Dependent Method Agreement}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2023 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit\"at Z\"urich, Switzerland}, month = {June 8--9}, year = {2023}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2023.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2023, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}/{exams}: A One-for-All Exams Generator}, note = {Presented at Fakult\"at f\"ur Technische Wissenschaften, Universit\"at Innsbruck}, month = {March 29}, year = {2023}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UIBK-FTW-2023.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Lang+Hayes:2022, author = {Achim Zeileis and Moritz N. Lang and Alex Hayes}, title = {{distributions3}: From Basic Probability to Probabilistic Regression}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2022''. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs7ha1F5S0k}}, month = {June 21--23}, year = {2022}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2022.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2021a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Strategies and Software for Robust Color Palettes in Data Visualizations}, note = {Presented at Research Seminar, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, WU Wirtschaftsuniversit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {November 5}, year = {2021}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/WU-2021.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2021, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Choosing Color Palettes for Data Visualization}, note = {Presented within the keynote session ``Tools and Technologies for Supporting Algorithm Fairness and Inclusion'' at ``use{R}! 2021''. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PstHyodalWg}}, month = {July 5}, year = {2021}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2021.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2020c, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Parties, Models, Mobsters: Methods and Software for Model-Based Recursive Partitioning}, note = {Presented at Research Seminar, Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Brescia, Italy}, month = {November 13}, year = {2020}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UniBS-2020.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2020b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{S}ch\"onheit liegt im {A}uge des {B}etrachters: {E}in statistischer {B}lick auf {T}opmodels und {P}rofessoren}, note = {Presented at ``Boot Camp'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {September 1}, year = {2020}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/BootCamp-2020.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2020a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}/{exams}: A One-for-All Exams Generator -- {O}nline Tests, Live Quizzes, and Written Exams with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``WhyR? Webinar 001''. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnyCR7q4P4Q}}, month = {April 2}, year = {2020}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/WhyR-2020.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Schlosser+Hothorn+Zeileis:2020, author = {Lisa Schlosser and Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis}, title = {The Power of Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: A Unifying View of {CTree}, {MOB}, and {GUIDE}}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2020 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Technische Universit\"at Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany}, month = {February 27--28}, year = {2020}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2020.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2020, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {The {R} System: From Open Source to Open Science -- {A}n Insider's View}, note = {Presented at ``SE 20 -- Software Engineering 2020'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {February 26--28}, year = {2020}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/SE-2020.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Schlosser+Lang:2019, author = {Achim Zeileis and Lisa Schlosser and Moritz N. Lang and Torsten Hothorn and Georg J. Mayr and Reto Stauffer}, title = {Distributional Regression Forests for Probabilistic Modeling and Forecasting}, note = {Presented at ``Vienna<-R -- R User Group'', Vienna, Austria. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzR9U-0j3s0}}, month = {November 29}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ViennaR-2019.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Fisher+Hornik:2019b, author = {Achim Zeileis and Jason C. Fisher and Kurt Hornik and Ross Ihaka and Claire D. McWhite and Paul Murrell and Reto Stauffer and Claus O. Wilke}, title = {{colorspace}: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2019'', Toulouse, France. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bv2IAcNE_c}}, month = {July 10--12}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2019.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2019b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}/{exams}: A One-for-All Exams Generator -- {W}ritten Exams, Online Tests, and Live Quizzes with {R}}, note = {Pre-conference tutorial at ``use{R}! 2019'', Toulouse, France}, month = {July 9}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2019-tutorial.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2019, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {E-Pr{\"u}fungen in Gro{\ss}lehrveranstaltungen: Ideen, Erfahrungen, Infrastruktur}, note = {Presented at ``FNMA Talks'', Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria}, month = {June 12}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/FNMA-2019.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Fisher+Hornik:2019a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Jason C. Fisher and Kurt Hornik and Ross Ihaka and Claire D. McWhite and Paul Murrell and Reto Stauffer and Claus O. Wilke}, title = {{colorspace}: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``DAGStat 2019'', Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at M\"unchen, Germany}, month = {March 18--22}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DAGStat-2019.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Fisher+Hornik:2019, author = {Achim Zeileis and Jason C. Fisher and Kurt Hornik and Ross Ihaka and Claire D. McWhite and Paul Murrell and Reto Stauffer and Claus O. Wilke}, title = {{colorspace}: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2019 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Charles University \& Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic}, month = {February 21--22}, year = {2019}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2019.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2018c, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}/{exams}: A One-for-All Exams Generator -- {W}ritten Exams, Online Tests, and Live Quizzes with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``TEA 2018 -- The 2018 International Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference'', Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {December 10--11}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/TEA-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Schlosser+Hothorn+Seibold:2018a, author = {Lisa Schlosser and Torsten Hothorn and Heidi Seibold and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Distributional Regression Forests for Probabilistic Modeling and Forecasting}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``ECDA 2018 -- European Conference on Data Analysis, Universit\"at Paderborn, Germany}, month = {July 4--6}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ECDA-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leitner+Hornik:2018, author = {Achim Zeileis and Christoph Leitner and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Who Will (Most Likely) Win the 2018 FIFA World Cup?}, note = {Presented at ``Sch\"uler/innen-Tag'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {June 22}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Ibk-ST-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2018b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}/{exams}: A One-for-All Exams Generator -- {W}ritten Exams, Online Tests, and Live Quizzes with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``eRum 2018 -- European R Users Meeting'', Budapest, Hungary. YouTube video: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMIzbrklBEE}}, month = {May 14--16}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/eRum-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2018, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Somewhere over the Rainbow -- {H}ow to Make Effective Use of Colors in Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway}, month = {April 24}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/NHH-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Schlosser+Hothorn+Seibold:2018, author = {Lisa Schlosser and Torsten Hothorn and Heidi Seibold and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Distributional Regression Forests for Probabilistic Modeling and Forecasting}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2018 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit\"at T\"ubingen, Germany}, month = {February 15--16}, year = {2018}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2018.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hoffmann+Zeileis:2017, author = {Barbara Hoffmann and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Lehre interaktiv in Gro{\ss}lehrveranstaltungen -- Mit dem Feedbacksystem \emph{ARSnova}}, note = {Personalentwicklung, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {October 24}, year = {2017}, presenter = {Barbara Hoffmann and Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ARSnova-2017.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2017, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {The {R} Community: An Insider's Perspective}, note = {Presented at ``OUI 2017 -- The 15th International Open and User Innovation Conference'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {July 10--12}, year = {2017}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OUI-2017.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Seibold+Zeileis+Hothorn:2017, author = {Heidi Seibold and Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn}, title = {Individual Treatment Effect Prediction Using Model-Based Random Forests}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2017 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', WU Wirtschaftsuniversit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {February 9--10}, year = {2017}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2017.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016e, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {A One-for-All Exams Generator: Written Exams, Online Tests, and Live Quizzes with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``Lunchtime Seminar'', Department of Computer Science, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {December 1}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Ibk-CS-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016d, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Somewhere over the Rainbow -- {H}ow to Make Effective Use of Colors in Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``OeSG Junge Statistik'', Universit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {November 12}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OeSG-JS-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016c, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Examining Exams Using {R}asch Models and Assessment of Measurement Invariance}, note = {Presented at Research Seminar, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, WU Wirtschaftsuniversit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {November 11}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/WU-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Statistical Computing in {R}: Strategies for Turning Ideas into Software}, note = {Presented at ``AG Stochastik'', Karlsruhe Institut f\"ur Technologie, Germany}, month = {July 19}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/KIT-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leitner+Hornik:2016, author = {Achim Zeileis and Christoph Leitner and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Forecasting Sports Tournaments by Ratings of (Prob)abilities}, note = {Presented at HITS Colloquim, Heidelberger Institut f\"ur Theoretische Studien, Germany}, month = {July 18}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/HITS-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Blended Learning Tools for Large Statistics and Mathematics Courses}, note = {Presented at ``DAGStat 2016'', Universit\"at G\"ottingen, Germany}, month = {March 15--18}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DAGStat-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2016, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {A One-for-All Exams Generator: Written Exams, Online Tests, and Live Quizzes with {R}}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2016 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit{\'e} de Li{\`e}ge, Belgium}, month = {February 18--19}, year = {2016}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2016.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Kleiber+Zeileis:2015, author = {Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Count Data Regression with Excess Zeros: A Flexible Framework Using the {GLM} Toolbox}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics 2015'', London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 12--14}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2015.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Merkle+Wang:2015a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Edgar C. Merkle and Ting Wang}, title = {Score-Based Tests of Measurement Invariance with Respect to Continuous and Ordinal Variables}, note = {Presented at University College London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 11}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UCL-2015a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2015b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams and Beyond}, note = {Presented at University College London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 9}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UCL-2015.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2015a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Mathematik f\"ur Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Herausforderungen und L\"osungsstrategien in Gro{\ss}lehrveranstaltungen}, note = {Presented at ``NM-Talks 2015'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {November 16}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/NM-Talks-2015.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Merkle+Wang:2015, author = {Achim Zeileis and Edgar C. Merkle and Ting Wang}, title = {Score-Based Tests of Measurement Invariance with Respect to Continuous and Ordinal Variables}, note = {Presented at ``13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment'', Universit\"at Z\"urich, Switzerland}, month = {July 22--25}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ECPA-2015.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2015, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Examining Exams with the {psycho*} Family of {R} Packages}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2015 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {February 12--13}, year = {2015}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2015.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn:2014a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn}, title = {Parties, Models, Mobsters: A New Implementation of Model-Based Recursive Partitioning in R}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop on Classification and Regression Trees'', National University of Singapore}, month = {March 20--26}, year = {2014}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/NUS-2014.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn:2014, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn}, title = {Parties, Models, Mobsters: A New Implementation of Model-Based Recursive Partitioning in R}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2014 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit\"at T\"ubingen, Germany}, month = {February 13--14}, year = {2014}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2014.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2013a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Beyond Binary {GLM}s: Exploring Heteroskedastic Probit and Parametric Link Models}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics 2013'', London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 14--16}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2013, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Model-Based Recursive Partitioning for Detecting Interaction Effects in Subgroups}, note = {Presented at ``IFCS 2013 -- International Federation of Classification Societies'', Tilburg University, The Netherlands}, month = {July 15--17}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/IFCS-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Umlauf+Leisch:2013b, author = {Achim Zeileis and Nikolaus Umlauf and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in {R}: {M}oodle Quizzes, {OLAT} Assessments, and Beyond}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2013'', University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain}, month = {July 10--12}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Umlauf+Leisch:2013a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Nikolaus Umlauf and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in {R}: {M}oodle Quizzes, {OLAT} Assessments, and Beyond}, note = {Presented at ``Empirical and Experimental Economics'', Research Platform Workshop, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {May~21}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/EEEcon-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2013, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Applied and Reproducible Econometrics with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``DAGStat 2013'', Universit\"at Freiburg, Germany}, month = {March 19--22}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DAGStat-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Umlauf+Leisch:2013, author = {Achim Zeileis and Nikolaus Umlauf and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in {R}: {M}oodle Quizzes, {OLAT} Assessments, and Beyond}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2013 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit\"at Z\"urich, Switzerland}, month = {February 14--15}, year = {2013}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2013.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leitner+Hornik:2012, author = {Achim Zeileis and Christoph Leitner and Kurt Hornik}, title = {History Repeating: {S}pain Beats {G}ermany in the {EURO} 2012 Final}, note = {Presented at ``Empirical and Experimental Economics'', Research Platform Workshop, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {May~29}, year = {2012}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/EEEcon-2012.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2012a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{strucchange}: Model-Based Testing, Monitoring, and Dating of Structural Changes in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``Recent Advances in Changepoint Analysis'', Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM), University of Warwick, United Kingdom}, month = {March 26--28}, year = {2012}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CRiSM-2012.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2012, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes in Exchange Rate Regimes}, note = {Presented at ``Time Series -- Models, Breaks and Applications'', Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany}, month = {February 1--3}, year = {2012}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/TS-MBA-2012.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn:2011, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn}, title = {{partykit}: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics 2011'', London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 17--19}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Kleiber+Zeileis:2011, author = {Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Applied Econometrics with {R}}, note = {Presented at ``ISI 2011'', Dublin, Ireland}, month = {August 21--26}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ISI-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Gruen+Zeileis:2011, author = {Bettina Grün and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Automatic Generation of Exams in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2011'', University of Warwick, United Kingdom}, month = {August 16--18}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/useR-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2011b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {On Reproducible Econometric Research}, note = {Presented at ``Empirical and Experimental Economics'', Research Platform Workshop, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {June 14}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/EEEcon-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2011a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Model-Based Regression Trees in Economics and the Social Sciences}, note = {Presented at ``Research Seminar'', Institute of Applied Statistics, Johannes Kepler Universit\"at Linz, Austria}, month = {March 17}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/JKU-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+CribariNeto+Gruen:2011, author = {Achim Zeileis and Francisco Cribari-Neto and Bettina Grün}, title = {Beta Regression: Shaken, Stirred, Mixed, and Partitioned}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychoco 2011 -- International Workshop on Psychometric Computing'', Universit\"at T\"ubingen, Germany}, month = {February 24--25}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2011, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{S}ch\"onheit liegt im {A}uge des {B}etrachters: {E}in statistischer {B}lick auf {T}opmodels und {P}rofessoren}, note = {Antrittsvorlesung, Fakult\"at f\"ur Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {January 27}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Ibk-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2011, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Generic Frameworks for Nonparametric and Parametric Model Trees}, note = {Presented at ``Biostatistics Seminar'', Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany}, month = {January 10}, year = {2011}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DKFZ-2011.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik+Murrell:2010, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik and Paul Murrell}, title = {Escaping {RGB}land: Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``Oberseminar Statistik'', Universit\"at Augsburg, Germany}, month = {December 17}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Augsburg-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+CribariNeto+Gruen:2010, author = {Achim Zeileis and Francisco Cribari-Neto and Bettina Grün}, title = {Beta Regression in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics 2010'', London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 10--12}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2010b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes in {FX} Regimes}, note = {Presented at ``{R}/Finance 2010: Applied Finance with {R}'', University of Illinois at Chicago, United States of America}, month = {April 16--17}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/R-Finance-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2010a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Of Topmodels and Beautiful Professors: Capturing Model Heterogneity by Recursive Partitioning}, note = {Presented at ``DAGStat 2010'', Technische Universit\"at Dortmund, Germany}, month = {March 23--26}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DAGStat-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2010, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Model-Based Regression Trees in Economics and the Social Sciences}, note = {Presented at AG Angewandte \"Okonometrie, Universit\"at Innsbruck, Austria}, month = {March 16}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Ibk-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Wickelmaier+Kopf:2010, author = {Achim Zeileis and Florian Wickelmaier and Julia Kopf and Carolin Strobl}, title = {Model-Based Recursive Partitioning: Ideas, Theory, and Implementation}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychometric Computing'', Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at M\"unchen, Germany}, month = {February 25--26}, year = {2010}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2010.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Meyer+Hornik:2009, author = {Achim Zeileis and David Meyer and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Residual-Based Shadings for Visualizing (Conditional) Independence}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics 2009'', Limassol, Cyprus}, month = {October 29--31}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2009d, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Model-Based Regression Trees in Economics and the Social Sciences}, note = {Presented at ``Computational and Financial Econometrics 2009'', Limassol, Cyprus}, month = {October 29--31}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CFE-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik+Murrell:2009, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik and Paul Murrell}, title = {Escaping {RGB}land: Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2009'', Rennes, France}, month = {July 8--10}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2009/slides/Zeileis+Hornik+Murrell.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Strobl+Zeileis:2009, author = {Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Party on! -- A New, Conditional Variable Importance Measure for Random Forests Available in {party}}, note = {Presented by Carolin Strobl at ``use{R}! 2009'', Rennes, France}, month = {July 8--10}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Carolin Strobl}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2009/slides/Strobl+Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Zeileis:2009, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis}, title = {{partykit}: A Toolbox for Recursive Partytioning}, note = {Presented by Torsten Hothorn at ``use{R}! 2009'', Rennes, France}, month = {July 8--10}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Torsten Hothorn}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2009/slides/Hothorn+Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2009c, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Tree Algorithms in Data Mining: Comparison of {rpart} and {RWeka} \dots and Beyond}, note = {Presented at ``use{R}! 2009'', Rennes, France}, month = {July 8--10}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2009/slides/Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2009b, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Statistical Computing in {R}: Strategies for Turning Ideas into Software}, note = {Presented at ``Quantitative Social Science Research Using {R}'', Fordham University, New York, United States of America}, month = {June 18--19}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/QR-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2009a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Model-Based Recursive Partitioning}, note = {Presented at ``Data Mining 2009'', Tech Gate Vienna, Austria}, month = {May 26--27}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DataMining-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2009, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Model-Based Recursive Partitioning}, note = {Presented at Workshop ``Psychometric Computing'', Wirtschaftsuniversit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {January 23}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Psychoco-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Gruen+Zeileis:2009, author = {Bettina Grün and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Automatic Generation of Simple (Statistical) Exams}, note = {Presented by Bettina Gr\"un at Workshop ``{R} in Teaching and Empirical Research'' Universit\"at f\"ur Bodenkultur Wien, Austria}, month = {January 16}, year = {2009}, presenter = {Bettina Gr\"un}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Boku-2009.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Kleiber+Zeileis:2008, author = {Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Generalized Count Data Regression in {R}}, note = {Presented by Christian Kleiber at ``use{R}! 2008'', Dortmund, Germany}, month = {August 12--14}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Christian Kleiber}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2008/slides/Kleiber+Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Strobl+Zeileis:2008a, author = {Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Why and How to Use Random Forest Variable Importance Measures (and How You Shouldn't)}, note = {Presented by Carolin Strobl at ``use{R}! 2008'', Dortmund, Germany}, month = {August 12--14}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Carolin Strobl}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2008/slides/Strobl+Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Theussl+Zeileis+Hornik:2008, author = {Stefan Theussl and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Collaborative Development Using {R}-{F}orge}, note = {Presented by Stefan Theussl at ``use{R}! 2008'', Dortmund, Germany}, month = {August 12--14}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Stefan Theussl}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2008/slides/Theussl+Zeileis+Hornik.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Meyer+Zeileis+Hornik:2008, author = {David Meyer and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {The Strucplot Framework for Visualizing Categorical Data}, note = {Presented by David Meyer at ``use{R}! 2008'', Dortmund, Germany}, month = {August 12--14}, year = {2008}, presenter = {David Meyer}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2008/slides/Meyer+Zeileis+Hornik.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Hornik+VanDeWiel:2008, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik and Mark A. {van de Wiel} and Achim Zeileis}, title = {A {L}ego System for Conditional Inference}, note = {Presented at Biometrisches Seminar, Wiener Biometrische Sektion, International Biometric Society, Medizinische Universit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {May 15}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/WBS-2008.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2008, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {A Unified Approach to Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes}, note = {Presented at the Econometrics and Statistics Seminar, KU Leuven, Belgium}, month = {April 18}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/KU-Leuven-2008.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Strobl+Zeileis:2008, author = {Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Testing Variable Importance in Random Forests}, note = {Presented by Carolin Strobl at ``Lifestat 2008'', M\"unchen, Germany}, month = {March 10--13}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Carolin Strobl}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Lifestat-2008.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik+Murrell:2008, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik and Paul Murrell}, title = {Escaping {RGB}land: Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``OeSG Junge Statistik'', Universit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {March 6}, year = {2008}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OeSG-JS-2008.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Shah+Patnaik:2007b, author = {Achim Zeileis and Ajay Shah and Ila Patnaik}, title = {Exchange Rate Regime Analysis Using Structural Change Methods}, note = {Presented at ``NIPFP-DEA Capital Flows Meeting 2007'', New Delhi, India}, month = {December 4--5}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/NIPFP-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik+Shah:2007, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik and Ajay Shah and Ila Patnaik}, title = {A Unified Structural Change Toolbox Applied to Exchange Rate Regime Classification}, note = {Presented at Econometrics Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States of America}, month = {August 31}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UIUC-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2007c, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Data Structures: Times, Dates, Ordered Observations \dots and Beyond}, note = {Presented by Kurt Hornik at ``{R}/{Rmetrics} Workshop 2007'', Lake Thune, Switzerland}, month = {July 8--12}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Kurt Hornik}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Rmetrics-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2007b, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Choosing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``Programming of Graphics in {R}'', Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at M\"unchen, Germany}, month = {July 4}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/LMU-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2007a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Choosing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2007'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 1--4}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Shah+Patnaik:2007a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Ajay Shah and Ila Patnaik}, title = {Exchange Rate Regime Classification with Structural Change Methods}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Models for Financial Data 2007'', Graz, Austria}, month = {May 23--26}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/SMFD-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Shah+Patnaik:2007, author = {Achim Zeileis and Ajay Shah and Ila Patnaik}, title = {Exchange Rate Regime Classification with Structural Change Methods}, note = {Presented at ``Computational and Financial Econometrics 2007'', Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {April 20--22}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CFE-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2007, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Open-Source Econometric Computing in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``DAGStat 2007 -- Statistik unter einem Dach'', Universit\"at Bielefeld, Germany}, month = {March 27--30}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DAGStat-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hornik+Buchta+Schauerhuber:2007, author = {Kurt Hornik and Christian Buchta and {and Michael Schauerhuber} and David Meyer and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Open-Source Machine Learning: {R} Meets {Weka}}, note = {Presented at ``GfKl 2007'', Freiburg, Germany}, month = {March 7--9}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/GfKl-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2007, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Choosing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics}, note = {Presented at ``Directions in Statistical Computing 2007'', Auckland, New Zealand}, month = {February 15--16}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DSC-2007.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hornik+Buchta+Zeileis:2007, author = {Kurt Hornik and Christian Buchta and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Open-Source Machine Learning: {R} Meets {Weka}}, note = {Presented at ``Directions in Statistical Computing 2007'', Auckland, New Zealand}, month = {February 15--16}, year = {2007}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/DSC-2007a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2006, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}: A Free Software Project in Statistical Computing}, note = {Presented at Universit\"at Wien, Austria}, month = {November 28}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/UniWien-2006.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2006b, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Visualizing Non-Parametric and Parametric Tree Models}, note = {Presented at ``8th ERCIM Workshop on Matrix Computations and Statistics'', Salerno, Italy}, month = {September 2--3}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ERCIM-2006.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2006a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Model-Based Recursive Partitioning}, note = {Presented at ``{COMP}{STAT} 2006'', Rome, Italy}, month = {August 28 -- September 1}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CompStat-2006.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Kleiber+Zeileis:2006, author = {Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Applied Econometrics with {R}}, note = {Presented by Christian Kleiber at ``use{R}! 2006'', Vienna, Austria}, month = {June 15--17}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Christian Kleiber}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2006/Slides/Kleiber+Zeileis.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Millo:2006, author = {Achim Zeileis and Giovanni Millo}, title = {A Framework for Heteroskedasticity-robust Specification and Misspecification Testing Functions for Linear Models in {R}}, note = {Presented by Giovanni Millo at ``use{R}! 2006'', Vienna, Austria}, month = {June 15--17}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Giovanni Millo}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2006/Slides/Zeileis+Millo.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Strobl+Zeileis+Boulesteix:2006, author = {Carolin Strobl and Achim Zeileis and Anne-Laure Boulesteix and Torsten Hothorn}, title = {Variable Selection Bias in Classification Trees and Ensemble Methods}, note = {Presented by Carolin Strobl at ``use{R}! 2006'', Vienna, Austria}, month = {June 15--17}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Carolin Strobl}, url = {http://www.R-project.org/conferences/useR-2006/Slides/StroblEtAl.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2006, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Unbiased Recursive Partitioning {II}: A Parametric Framework Based on Parameter Instability Tests}, note = {Presented at ``GfKl 2006'', Berlin, Germany}, month = {March 8--10}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/GfKl-2006.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Hornik+Zeileis:2006, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Unbiased Recursive Partitioning {I}: A Non-parametric Conditional Inference Framework}, note = {Presented by Torsten Hothorn at ``GfKl 2006'', Berlin, Germany}, month = {March 8--10}, year = {2006}, presenter = {Torsten Hothorn}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/GfKl-2006a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2005a, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {A Unified Approach to Testing, Monitoring and Dating Structural Changes}, note = {Presented at ``\"Okonometrisches Forschungsseminar'', Institut f\"ur H\"ohere Studien, Wien, Austria}, month = {November 17}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/IHS-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2005, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Open Source Econometric Computing in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis'', Limassol, Cyprus}, month = {October 28 -- November 1}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CSDA-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Millo:2005, author = {Achim Zeileis and Giovanni Millo}, title = {A Framework for Heteroskedasticity-robust Specification and Misspecification Testing Functions for Linear Models in {R}}, note = {Presented by Giovanni Millo at ``International Workshop on Robust Statistics and R'', Treviso, Italy}, month = {October 26--28}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Giovanni Millo}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/RSR-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Meyer+Hornik:2005, author = {Achim Zeileis and David Meyer and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Residual-Based Shadings for Visualizing (Conditional) Independence}, note = {Presented at ``European Meeting of Statisticians 2005'', Oslo, Norway}, month = {July 24--28}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/EMS-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Hornik:2005a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Unbiased Recursive Partitioning {II}: A Parametric Framework Based on Parameter Instability Tests}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2005'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 3--6}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Hornik+Zeileis:2005a, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Unbiased Recursive Partitioning {I}: A Non-parametric Conditional Inference Framework}, note = {Presented by Torsten Hothorn at ``Statistical Computing 2005'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 3--6}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Torsten Hothorn}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2005a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Karatzoglou+Smola+Hornik:2005, author = {Alexandros Karatzoglou and Alex Smola and Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis}, title = {{kernlab} -- {A}n {R} Package for Kernel Learning}, note = {Presented at ``Workshop Ensemble Methods 2005'', Max Planck Institut T\"ubingen, Germany}, month = {March 4--5}, year = {2005}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Ensemble-2005.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Leisch:2004a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Friedrich Leisch and Kurt Hornik}, title = {The Design and Analysis of Benchmark Experiments -- {P}art {I}: {D}esign}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2004'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 4--7}, year = {2004}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2004.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Zeileis+Leisch:2004a, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Kurt Hornik}, title = {The Design and Analysis of Benchmark Experiments -- {P}art {II}: {A}nalysis}, note = {Presented by Torsten Hothorn at ``Statistical Computing 2004'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 4--7}, year = {2004}, presenter = {Torsten Hothorn}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2004a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2004, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Implementing a Class of Structural Change Tests: {A}n Econometric Computing Approach}, note = {Presented at {``Computational Management Science 2004''}, Neuch{\^a}tel, Switzerland}, month = {April 2--5}, year = {2004}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CMS-2004.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hothorn+Leisch:2004, author = {Achim Zeileis and Torsten Hothorn and Friedrich Leisch and Kurt Hornik}, title = {The Design and Analysis of Benchmark Experiments -- {P}art {I}: {D}esign}, note = {Presented at {``Conference of the GfKl 2004''}, Dortmund, Germany}, month = {March 9--11}, year = {2004}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/GfKl-2004.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Hothorn+Zeileis+Leisch:2004, author = {Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Kurt Hornik}, title = {The Design and Analysis of Benchmark Experiments -- {P}art {II}: {A}nalysis}, note = {Presented by Torsten Hothorn at {``Conference of the GfKl 2004''}, Dortmund, Germany}, month = {March 9--11}, year = {2004}, presenter = {Torsten Hothorn}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/GfKl-2004a.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2003, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {Testen auf {S}trukturver\"anderung -- {T}heorie, {I}mplementierung und {A}nwendungen}, note = {Disputation of PhD thesis {``Testing for Structural Change -- Theory, Implementation and Applications''}, Universit\"at Dortmund, Germany}, month = {November 14}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Dortmund-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Meyer+Hornik:2003b, author = {Achim Zeileis and David Meyer and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Visualizing Independence Using Extended Association and Mosaic Plots}, note = {Presented at {``\"Osterreichische Statistiktage 2003''}, Vienna, Austria}, month = {October 29--31}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OeSG-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2003, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Generalized {M}-Fluctuation Tests for Parameter Instability}, note = {Presented at ``Econometric Time Series Analysis -- Methods and Applications'', Linz, Austria}, month = {September 29 -- October 1}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ETSA-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Meyer+Hornik:2003a, author = {Achim Zeileis and David Meyer and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Extended Mosaic and Association Plots for Visualizing (Conditional) Independence}, note = {Presented at the gR 2003 ``Workshop on Computational Aspects of Graphical Models'', Aalborg, Denmark}, month = {September 16--20}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/gR-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leisch+Kleiber:2003, author = {Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Christian Kleiber and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Monitoring Structural Change in Dynamic Econometric Models}, note = {Presented at the 58th European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM 2003), Stockholm, Sweden}, month = {August 20--24}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ESEM-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Meyer+Hornik:2003, author = {Achim Zeileis and David Meyer and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Visualizing Independence Using Extended Association and Mosaic Plots}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2003'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {July 1}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2003.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Karatzoglou+Smola+Zeileis:2003, author = {Alexandros Karatzoglou and Alex Smola and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {{svlab} -- {A} Kernel Methods Package}, month = {March 20--22}, year = {2003}, presenter = {Alexandros Karatzoglou}, note = {Presented by Alexandros Karatzoglou at the Third International Workshop on {``Distributed Statistical Computing''} (DSC 2003)}, } @Unpublished{Meyer+Zeileis+Hornik:2003, author = {David Meyer and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Visualizing Independence Using Extended Association Plots}, month = {March 20--22}, year = {2003}, presenter = {David Meyer}, note = {Presented by David Meyer at the Third International Workshop on {``Distributed Statistical Computing''} (DSC 2003)}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leisch+Kleiber:2002a, author = {Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Christian Kleiber and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Monitoring Structural Change in Dynamic Econometric Models}, note = {Presented at {``Modelling Structural Breaks, Long Memory and Stock Market Volatility''}, London, United Kingdom}, month = {December 6--7}, year = {2002}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/ESCR-Breaks-2002.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis:2002, author = {Achim Zeileis}, title = {{R}: A Free Software Project in Statistical Computing}, note = {Presented at RSISE, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia}, month = {November 21}, year = {2002}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/RSISE-2002.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leisch+Kleiber:2002, author = {Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Christian Kleiber and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Monitoring Structural Change in Dynamic Econometric Models}, note = {Presented at {``\"Osterreichische Statistiktage 2002''}, Vienna, Austria}, month = {October 23--25}, year = {2002}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OeSG-2002.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Veichtlbauer+Hanser+Zeileis:2002, author = {Ortrun Veichtlbauer and Elke Hanser and Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Harald Wilfing}, title = {The Impact of Policy Interventions on a Pre-Industrial Population System in the Austrian Alps}, note = {Presented by Ortrun Veichtlbauer at ``13th Congress of the European Anthropological Association'', Zagreb, Croatia}, month = {August 30--September 3}, year = {2002}, presenter = {Ortrun Veichtlbauer}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/CEAA-2002.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Hornik:2002, author = {Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Testing for Structural Change in {GLMs} -- {I}mplementation in {R} and Application}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2002'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, Germany}, month = {June 26}, year = {2002}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/StatComp-2002.pdf}, } @Unpublished{Zeileis+Leisch+Hornik:2001, author = {Achim Zeileis and Friedrich Leisch and Kurt Hornik and Christian Kleiber}, title = {Testen auf {S}trukturbruch in linearen {R}egressionsmodellen -- {I}mplementierung in {R} und {A}nwendung}, note = {Presented at ``Statistische Woche 2001'', Vienna, Austria}, month = {October 16--19}, year = {2001}, presenter = {Achim Zeileis}, url = {https://www.zeileis.org/papers/OeSG-2001.pdf}, }