Tag: regression

Subgroup detection in linear growth curve models


New arXiv working paper showing how generalized linear mixed effects model (GLMM) trees, along with their R implementation in the glmertree package, can be used to identify subgroups with differently shaped trajectories in linear growth curve models. Read more ›

Tree models for assessing covariate-dependent method agreement


New arXiv working paper introducing conditional method agreement trees (COAT) which can capture the dependency of a Bland-Altman analysis on covariates. It is ccompanied by an R implementation in the CRAN package coat. Read more ›

Amplification of Lightning in the European Alps 1980-2019


Detailed measurements of lightning as well as reanalyses of atmospheric conditions enable the reconstruction of lightning probabilities over large spatial and temporal domains. Using flexible additive regression models it is shown that lightning activity in the high European Alps has doubled from the 1980s to the 2010s. Read more ›

Model-based causal forests for heterogeneous treatment effects


A new arXiv paper investigates which building blocks of random forests, especially causal forests and model-based forests, make them work for heterogeneous treatment effect estimation, both in randomized trials and observational studies. Read more ›

distributions3 @ useR! 2022


Conference presentation about the 'distributions3' package for S3 probability distributions (and 'topmodels' for graphical model assessment) at useR! 2022: Slides, video, replication code, and vignette. Read more ›

The Poisson distribution: From basic probability theory to regression models


Brief introduction to the Poisson distribution for modeling count data using the distributions3 package. The distribution is illustrated using the number of goals scored at the 2018 FIFA World Cup, suitable for self-study or as a classroom exercise. Read more ›

ivreg: Two-stage least-squares regression with diagnostics


The ivreg function for instrumental variables regression had first been introduced in the AER package but is now developed and extended in its own package of the same name. This post provides a short overview and illustration. Read more ›

Network trees: networktree 1.0.0, web page, and Psychometrika paper


Version 1.0.0 (and actually 1.0.1) of the R package 'networktree' with tools for recursively partitioning covariance structures is now available from CRAN, accompanied by a paper in Psychometrika, and a dedicated software web page. Read more ›

Bias reduction in Poisson and Tobit regression


While it is well-known that data separation can cause infinite estimates in binary regression models, the same is also true for other models with a point mass at the bounday (typically at zero) such as Poisson and Tobit. It is shown why this happens and how it can be remedied with bias-reduced estimation, along with implementations in R. Read more ›

Robust covariance matrix estimation: sandwich 3.0-0, web page, JSS paper


Version 3.0-0 of the R package 'sandwich' for robust covariance matrix estimation (HC, HAC, clustered, panel, and bootstrap) is now available from CRAN, accompanied by a new web page and a paper in the Journal of Statistical Software (JSS). Read more ›