Steigenberger, C., Flatscher-Thoeni, M., Siebert, U., Leiter, A. M. (2022). Determinants of willingness to pay for health services: a systematic review of contingent valuation studies, The European Journal of Health Economics , DOI: .
Borsky, S., Leiter, A. M. (2022). International trade in rough diamonds and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, World Development 152 , 105786.
Leiter, A.M., Theurl, E. (2021). Determinants of Prepaid Systems of Healthcare Financing: A Worldwide Country-level Perspective, International Journal of Health Economics and Management 21(3) , 317-344.
Borsky, S., Hennighausen, H., Leiter, A., Williges, K. (2020). CITES and the Zoonotic Disease Content in International Wildlife Trade, Environmental and Resource Economics 76 (4), 1001-1017.
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A.M., Winner, H. (2019). Are Pain and Suffering Awards (Un-)Predictable? Evidence from Germany, DANUBE: Law and Economics Review 10 (3) , 199-219.
Borsky, S., Leiter, A.M., Pfaffermayr, M. (2018). Product Quality and Sustainability: The Effect of International Environmental Agreements on Bilateral Trade, The World Economy 41 (11), 3098-3129.
Leiter, A.M., Rheinberger, C.M. (2016). Risky sports and the value of safety information, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 131, 328-345.
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A.M., Schusterschitz, C. (2015). The Supply Side of Volunteering in Austrian Hospice Services: Determinants of Sustainable Voluntary Engagement, Journal of Public Health 23 (4), 189-199, Springer.
Schusterschitz, C., Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A. M., Geser, W. (2014). Building a Committed Hospice Volunteer Workforce - Do Variables at the Experience Stage Matter?, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 24, 422-438.
Leiter, A.M., Pruckner, G.J. (2013). Timing Effects in Health Valuations, Health Economics 23, 743-745.
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A.M., Winner, H. (2013). Pricing Damages for Pain and Suffering in Court: The Impact of the Valuation Method, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 10 , 104-119.
Leiter, A.M., Thöni, M., Winner, H. (2012). Evaluating Human Life Using Court Decisions on Damages for Pain and Suffering, International Review of Law and Economics 32 (1), 119-128.
Leiter, A.M., Theurl, E. (2012). The Convergence of Health Care Financing Structures: Empirical Evidence from OECD-Countries, The European Journal of Health Economics 13 (1), 7-18.
Leiter, A.M., (2011). The Sense Of Snow - Individuals' Perception of Fatal Avalanche Events, Journal of Environmental Psychology 31, 361-372.
Leiter, A.M. (2011). Age effects in monetary valuation of reduced mortality risks: the relevance of age-specific hazard rates, The European Journal of Health Economics 12 (4), 331-344.
Leiter, A.M, Parolini, A., Winner, H. (2011). Environmental Regulation and Investment: Evidence from European Industry Data, Ecological Economics 70 (4), 759-770.
Leiter, A.M., Oberhofer, H., Raschky, P.A. (2009). Creative Disasters? Flooding Effects on Capital, Labour and Productivity Within European Firms, Environmental and Resource Economics 43 (3), 333-350.
Leiter, A. M., Pruckner, G. J. (2009). Proportionality of Willingness to Pay to Small Changes in Risk: The Impact of Attitudinal Factors in Scope Tests, Environmental and Resource Economics 42 (2), 169-186.
Willingness to pay for mobile hospice services (with Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni and Caroline Steigenberger).
Evaluation of end-of-life care: Importance of universal access to hospice care (with Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni).
Impact of Environmental Regulation on FDI-activity of Multinational Enterprises (with Stefan Borsky, Michael Pfaffermayr and Richard Pirker).
Effects of trade barriers on bilateral trade of potable water (with Elisabeth Christen and Michael Pfaffermayr).
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A.M., Winner, H. (2014). Schmerzengeld in Österreich: Eine quantitative Betrachtung, Journal für Rechtpolitik 22, 85-89.
Leiter, A.M., Rheinberger, C.M., Bründl, M. (2013). Zur Bewertung von Personenschäden - Grundsätze, Methoden und Anwendungen (On the valuation of damages to life and limb -- principles, methods and applications), Zeitschrift für Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau 172, 138-146.
Leiter, A., Theurl, E. 2004. Soziale Krankenversicherung und Einkommensteuer: Empirische Tarifanalyse einer komplexen Beziehung (Social Health Insurance and Income Tax: Empirical Tariff Analysis of a Complex Relationship), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 30 (3), 363--392.
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A., Winner, H. (2016). Was sind wir wert? Acht Fragen und Antworten zum Thema der ``Wert'' des Menschen aus ökonomischer Sicht, in A. Beinsteiner and T. Kohn (eds.), Körperphantasien. Technisierung - Optimierung - Transhumanismus, innsbruck university press, Innsbruck.
Flatscher-Thöni, M., Leiter, A., Winner, H. (2012). Schmerzengeld in Österreich: Eine empirische Analyse des Spruchverhaltens der Oberlandesgerichte, in H. Barta, M. Ganner and C. Voithofer (ed): 200 Jahre ABGB 1811-2011, innsbruck university press, Innsbruck.
Leiter, A., Thöni, M. (2011). Motivationale Bedingungen des ehrenamtlichen Engagements im Hospiz, in J. Nussbaumer, G. Pruckner, R. Sausgruber and H. Winner (ed): Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik im Diskurs, Springer-Verlag, Wien.
Leiter, A., Thöni, M., Winner, H. (forthcoming). Der "Wert" des Menschen. Eine ökonomische Betrachtung, in M. Fischer, A. Cesana and K. Seelmann (ed): Subjekt und Kulturalität, Band 2, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.
Leiter, A., Thöni, M., Weck-Hannemann, H. 2010. Protective measures against natural hazards - Are they worth their costs?, in E. Veulliet, J. Stötter, H. Weck-Hannemann (ed): Sustainable Natural Hazard Management in Alpine Environments, Springer, Heidelberg.
Leiter, A., Thöni, M. 2009. Eine ökonomische Skizze des Patientenentschädigungsfonds am Beispiel Tirols, in H. Barta, M. Ganner, H. Lichtmannegger (ed): Patientenentschädigungsfonds oder Medizinhaftung? Status quo, Analyse, rechtspolitische Vorschläge, innsbruck university press, Innsbruck.
Leiter, A., Theurl, E. 2008. Verteilungswirkungen von Gesundheitsfinanzierungssystemen: Eine Analyse der Sozialen Krankenversicherung in Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, in J. Nussbaumer, G. Pruckner, E. Theurl (ed): Streiflichter der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, Metropolis, Marburg.
Leiter, A., Thöni, M., Winner, H. 2008. Menschliche Körperteile und der Wert des menschlichen Lebens: Eine monetäre Bewertung mittels Schmerzengeldentscheidungen, in A. Exenberger, J. Nussbaumer (ed): Von Körpermärkten, innsbruck university press, Innsbruck.
Leiter, A. M. 2007. Estimating WTP with Discrete Choice Models, in J. Meyerhoff, N. Lienhoop, P. Elsasser (ed): Stated Preference Methods for Environmental Valuation: Applications from Austria and Germany, Metropolis, Marburg.
Leiter, A. M., Pruckner, G. J. 2007. Ökonomie und der Wert des Lebens, in A. Exenberger, J. Nussbaumer (ed): Von Menschenhandel und Menschenpreisen - Wert und Bewertung von Menschen im Spiegel der Zeit, innsbruck university press, Innsbruck.