Linearizing Nonlinear Gravity Models: Biased
BvOLS Versus Unbiased Alternatives (with Peter Egger), Journal of
Regional Science 64 (5), 2024, 1545-1573.
Replication package
Gravity Models, PPML Estimation, and the Bias Correction of the Two-Way
Cluster-Robust Standard Errors, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and
Statistics 85(5), 2023, 1111-1134.
Online Appendix
Revisiting Time as a Trade Barrier: Evidence from a Panel Structural
Gravity Model (with Harald Oberhofer and Richard Sellner),
Review of International Economics 29(5), 2021, pp. 1382-1417.
Confidence Intervals for the Trade Cost Parameters of Cross-Section Gravity
Models, Economics Letters 201,
Estimating the Trade and Welfare Effects of Brexit: A Panel Data Structural
Gravity Model (with Harald Oberhofer), Canadian
Journal of Economics 54(1), 2021,
pp. 338-375
Online Appendix
Data archive
Trade Creation and Trade Diversion of Economic Integration Agreements
Revisited: A Constrained Panel Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Approach, Review of World Economics 156, 2020,
pp. 985-1024.
Data and stata replication
Constrained Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Structural
Gravity Models, International
Economics 161, 2020, pp. 188-198.
Online Appendix
Stata code
Data Archive
Gravity Models, PPML Estimation and the Bias of the Robust Standard Errors, Applied Economic Letters 26(18),
2019, pp. 1467-1471.
Online Appendix
Product Quality and Sustainability: The Effect of International Environmental
Agreements on Bilateral Trade (with Stefan Borsky and Andrea
Leiter-Scheiring), World Economy
41(11), 2018, pp. 3098-3129.
Decomposing Services Exports Adjustments along the Intensive and Extensive
Margin at the Firm-Level (with Elisabeth Christen and Yvonne Wolfmayr), Review of International Economics 27(1),
2018. pp. 155-183.
The More the Merrier? (with Lorenz Benedikt Fischer), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 72, 2018, 103-114.
Who Creates Jobs? Econometric Modeling and Evidence for Austrian Firm Level
(with Harald Oberhofer and Peter Huber), European
Economic Review 91, 2017, 57-71.
A Generalized Spatial Error Components Model for Gravity Equations (with
Peter Egger), Empirical Economics
50(1), 2016, 177-195.
Panel Data Gravity Models of International Trade (with Badi Baltagi and Peter
Egger) in Baltagi (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, Oxford University
Press, 2015, 608-642.
A GMM-based Test for Normal Disturbances of the Heckman Sample Selection
Model, Econometrics 2(4), 2014,
Stata ado-file: HN.ado
Two-Part Models for Fractional Responses Defined as Ratios of Integers (with
Harald Oberhofer), Econometrics
2(3), 2014, 123-144,
Transfer Pricing as a Tax Compliance Risk (with Sven P. Jost and Hannes
Winner), Accounting and Business
Research 44 (3), 2014, 260-279.
Job Creation and the Intra-distribution Dynamics of the Firm Size
Distribution (with Peter Huber and Harald Oberhofer), Industrial and Corporate Change 23(1), 2014, 171-197.
The Cliff and Ord Test for Spatial Correlation of the Disturbances in
Unbalanced Panel Models, International
Regional Science Review 36(4), 2013, 492-506.
The Pure Effects of European Integration on Intra-EU Trade (with Peter
Egger), World Economy 36(6), 2013,
Firm Growth in Multinational Corporate Groups (with Harald Oberhofer), Empirical Economics 44(3), 2013,
Capital Structure, Corporate Taxation and Firm Age (with Matthias Stoeckl and
Hannes Winner), Fiscal Studies
34(1), 2013, pp. 109-135.
A Generalized Spatial Panel Data Model with Random Effects (with Badi H.
Baltagi and Peter Egger), Econometric
Reviews 32(5-6), 2013, pp. 650-685.
Fractional Response Models - A Replication Exercise of Papke and Wooldridge
(1996) (with Harald Oberhofer), Contemporary Economics 6(3), 2012,
pp. 56-64.
Spatial Convergence of Regions Revisited: A Spatial Maximum Likelihood Panel
Approach, Journal of Regional Science
52(5), 2012, pp. 857--873.
FDI vs. Exports, Substitutes of Complements? -- A three Nations Model and
Empirical Evidence (with Harald Oberhofer), World Economy 35(3), 2012, pp. 316--330.
Are there border effects in the EU wage function? (with Peter Huber and
Yvonne Wolfmayr), DANUBE Law and
Economics Review 2, 2011, pp. 23-41, 2011.
The Spatial Random Effects and the Spatial Fixed Effects Model. The Hausman
Test in a Cliff and Ord Panel Model (with Jan Mutl), Econometrics Journal 14(1), 2011, pp. 48-76.
A Note on the Cliff and Ord Test for Spatial Correlation in Panel Models
(with Jan Mutl), Economics Letters
108(2), 2010, pp. 225-228.
Structural Funds, EU Enlargement, and the Redistribution of FDI in Europe (with Peter
Egger and Fritz Breuss), Weltwirtschaftliches
Archiv/Review of World Economics 146(3), 2010, pp. 469-494.
Testing for Conditional Convergence in Variance and Skewness: The Firm Size
Distribution Revisited (with Peter Huber), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 72(5), 2010, pp.
Firm-specific Forward-looking Effective Tax Rates (with Peter Egger, Simon
Loretz and Hannes Winner), International
Tax and Public Finance 16, 2009, pp. 850-870.
Bilateral Effective Tax Rates and Foreign Direct Investment (with Peter
Egger, Simon Loretz and Hannes Winner), International
Tax and Public Finance 16, 2009, pp. 822-849.
Small Sample Properties of Maximum Likelihood versus Generalized Method of
Moments Based Tests for Spatially Autocorrelated Errors (with Peter Egger,
Larch, Mario, Janette Walde), Regional Science and Urban Economics 39 (6), 2009, pp. 670-678.
Social Capital Formation and Intra-familial Correlation: A Social Panel Perspective
(with Christoph Hauser, Gottfried Tappeiner and Janette Walde, Singapore Economic Review 54(3),
2009, pp. 473-488.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a General Unbalanced Spatial Random Effects
Model - A Monte Carlo Study, Spatial Economic Analysis 4 (4), 2009, pp. 467-483.
Matlab programs: gendata; balanced
panel: gspre_bal , gspre_mle_bal; unbalanced panel: gspre_unbal , gspre_mle_unbal.
The Law
of One Price: Conditional Convergence Evidence from Disaggregated Data (with
Peter Egger and Stephan Gruber), Applied Economics 41 (26), 2009, pp. 3345-3357.
On Testing Conditional Sigma-Convergence (with Peter Egger), Oxford
Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 71
(4), 2009, pp. 453-473.
Conditional β- and σ-Convergence in Space: A Maximum Likelihood
Approach, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39 (1), 2009, pp. 63-78.
Estimating Regional Trade Agreement Effects on FDI in an Interdependent World
(with Badi H. Baltagi and Peter Egger), Journal
of Econometrics 145 (1-2), 2008, pp. 194-208.
The EU's Attitude Towards Eastern Enlargement in Space (with Peter Egger,
Mario Larch and Janette Walde), Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics 36
(1), 2008, pp.142-156.
Knowledge Capital Meets New Economic Geography (with Peter Egger, Stefan
Gruber and Mario Larch), Annals of
Regional Science, 41 (4), 2007, pp. 857-875.
Firm Growth under Sample Selection: Conditional σ-Convergence in Firm
Size?, Review of Industrial
Organization 31(4), 2007, pp. 303-328.
Bilateral versus Multilateral Trade and Investment Liberalization (with Peter
Egger and Mario Larch), The World Economy 30(4), 2007, pp. 567-96.
On the Welfare Effects of Trade and Investment Liberalization (with Peter
Egger and Mario Larch), European Economic Review 51(3), 2007, pp. 669-694.
Sectoral Adjustment of Employment: The Impact of Outsourcing and Trade at the
Micro Level (with Peter Egger and Andrea Weber), Journal of Applied
Econometrics 22(3), 2007,
pp. 559-580.
A Monte Carlo Study for Pure and Pretest Estimators of a Panel Data Model
with Spatially Autocorrelated Disturbances (Badi H. Baltagi and Peter Egger, Annales d' Economie et de Statistique
2007, pp. 11--38.
Estimating Models of Complex FDI: Are There Third-Country Effects? (Badi H.
Baltagi and Peter Egger), Journal of Econometrics 140(1), 2007, pp.
Trade in Western and Eastern Europe in the Aftermath of COMECON: An
Assessment of Behavioural Change (with Peter Egger and Roland Schmidt), Oxford
Economic Papers 59 (1), 2007, pp 102
- 126.
The Impact of Endogenous Tax Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Theory
and Empirical Evidence (with Peter Egger, Mario Larch and Hannes Winner), Canadian
Journal of Economics 39 (3), 2006, pp.
Spatial Convergence (with Peter Egger), Papers in Regional Science 85 (2), 2006, pp. 199-215.
Firm Performance after Ownership Change: A Matching Estimator Approach (with
Christian Bellak and Michael Wild), Applied Economics Quarterly 52(1), 2006, pp. 29-54.
The Determinants of Intra-Firm Trade: In Search form Export-Import
Magnification Effects (with Peter Egger), Weltwirtschaftliches
Archiv/Review of World Economics 141(4), 2005. pp. 648 - 669.
A Note on Export Openness and Regional Disparity in Central and Eastern
Europe (with Peter Egger and Peter Huber ), Annals of Regional Science
39 (1), 2005, pp. 63-72.
An Unbalanced Spatial Panel Data Approach to US State Tax Competition (with
Peter Egger and Hannes Winner), Economics Letters 88 (3), 2005, pp.
Commodity Taxation in a Linear World: A Spatial Panel Data Approach (with
Peter Egger and Hannes Winner), Regional Science and Urban Economics
35 (5), 2005, pp. 527-541.
Trade, Multinationals Sales, and FDI in a Three-Factors Model (with Peter
Egger), Review of International Economics 13 (4), 2005, pp. 659-675.
Concentration and Multinationality in European Manufacturing: What's the
Effect on Productivity? (with
Peter Egger), Empirica 31 (4), 2004, pp. 325-332.
The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on FDI (with Peter Egger), Journal
of Comparative Economics 32 (4), 2004, pp. 788-804.
Two Dimensions of Convergence: National and International Wage Adjustment
Effects of Cross-Border Outsourcing in Europe (with Peter Egger), Review
of International Economics 12 (5), 2004, pp. 833-843.
Short Run and Long Run Effects in Static Panel Models (with Peter Egger), Econometric
Reviews 23 (3), 2004, pp. 199 - 214.
Export Orientation, Foreign Affiliates, and the Growth of Austrian
Manufacturing Firms, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
54(3), 2004, pp. 411-423.
Foreign Direct Investment and European Integration in the 90s (with Peter
Egger), The World Economy 27 (1), 2004, pp. 99-110.
Convergence in Structure and Productivity in European Manufacturing? (with
Klaus Gugler), German Economic Review, 5(1), 2004, pp. 61-79.
Distance, Trade and FDI: A SUR Hausman-Taylor Approach (with Peter Egger), Journal
of Applied Econometrics 19(2), 2004, pp. 227-246.
The Single Market and the Geographic Concentration in Europe (with Karl
Aiginger), Review of International Economics 12 (1), 2004, pp. 1-11.
A Generalized Design for Bilateral Trade Flow Models (with Badi H. Baltagi
and Peter Egger), Economics Letters 80(3), 2003, pp. 391-397.
The Proper Econometric Specification of the Gravity Equation: A Three-Way
Model With Bilateral Interaction Effects (with Peter Egger), Empirical
Economics 28 (3), 2003, pp. 571-580.
Impact of Agenda 2000's Structural Policy Reform on FDI in the EU (with Frith
Breuss and Peter Egger), Journal of Policy Modeling 23/7, 2001,
pp. 811-824.
The International Fragmentation of the Value Added Chain: The Effects of
Outsourcing to Eastern Europe on Productivity and Wages in Austrian
Manufacturing (with Peter Egger and Yvonne Wolfmayr-Schnitzer), The
North American Journal of Economics and Finance 12(3), 2001, pp. 257-272.
Employment in Domestic Plants and Foreign Affiliates: A Note on the
Elasticity of Substitution, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 137(2), 2001,
pp. 347-364.
A Note on Labor Productivity and Foreign Inward Direct Investment (with Peter
Egger), Applied Economics Letters 8, 2001, pp. 229-232.
Conjectural Variation Models and Supergames with Price-Competition in a
Differentiated Product Oligopoly, Journal of Economics 70(3),1999,
Ownership Advantages, Foreign Production and Productivity - Evidence from
Austrian Manufacturing, The Review of Industrial Organisation 15(4),
1999, pp. 379-396.
Product Quality, Cost Asymmetry and the Welfare Loss of Oligopoly (with Karl
Aiginger), International Journal of the Economics of Business 6(2),
1999, pp. 165-180.
Multinationals, Production Externalities, and Complementarity between
Domestic and Foreign Activities?, Swiss Journal of Economic and Statistics
133(4), 1997, 473-690.
Looking at the Cost Side of Monopoly (with K. Aiginger), Journal of
Industrial Economics XLV, 1997, pp. 245-267.
Profitability Differences: Persistency and Determinants as Revealed in a
Dynamic Panel Approach
(with K. Aiginger), Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
117, 1997, pp. 85-105.
Technological Competition and Trade Performance (with M. Landesmann), Applied
Economics 29, 1997, pp. 179-196.
Ownership Advantages, Home Production, Foreign Production and Exports - Some
Evidence from Austrian Direct Investing Firms, Empirica 23 (3), 1996,
pp. 317-328.
Foreign Outward Direct Investment and Exports in Austrian Manufacturing:
Substitutes or Complements?, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 132 (3),
1996, pp. 501-522.
Foreign Direct Investment and Exports: A Time Series Approach, Applied
Economics 26, 1994, pp. 337-351.
Farm Income, Market Wages, and Off-Farm Labour Supply (with Ch.R. Weiss and
J. Zweimueller), Empirica 18 (2), 1991.
Lohn- und Beschäftigungseffekte von Europäischen Unternehmensfusionen (mit
Harald Oberhofer, in Josef Nussbaumer, Gerald Pruckner, Rupert Sausgruber
und Hannes Winner (eds.), Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik im Diskurs,
Festschrift für Engelbert Theurl zum 60. Geburtstag, Wien et al., Springer,
2011, pp. 59-80.
Unternehmensbesteuerung, internationale Direktinvestitionen und die
Steuerreform 2005 in Osterreich (mit Simon Loretz und Hannes Winner), Wirtschaftspolitische
Blätter 51 (4), 2004, pp. 495-505.
Market Potential and Border Effects in Europe (Mit Peter Huber und Yvonne Wolfmayr),
Access Lab, Workpackage No. 6, 2005.
Austria's Performance within an Integrating European Economy in Gehler,
Michael, Anton Pelinka und Günter Bischof (Hg.), Österreich in der
Europäischen Union - Bilanz seiner Mitgliedschaft, Böhlau-Verlag, Wien, 2003.
Foreign-owned Firms are Different: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical
Evidence for Austria (with Christain Bellak) in Jungnickel, Rolf (ed.) Foreign-owned Firms, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
Die Auswirkungen der Reform der Strukturpolitik in der Agenda 2000 auf die
Verteilung der passiven Direkt-
investitionen in der EU (with Fritz Breuss and Peter Egger), Wirtschaftspolitische
Blätter 49, pp. 91-98, 2002.
Impact of (Changes in) Corporate Structure on Price Dispersion, Productivity
and Profits in EU Manufacturing (with Peter Egger), in: I. De Voldere, J.
Reynaerts, K. Rommens, L. Sleuwaegen, R. Veugelers (coordinators),
Determinants of Industrial Concentration, Market Integration and Efficiency
in the European Union, Study for DG Economic & Financial Affairs, European
Economy, 2001, pp. 103-111.
Outsourcing of Austrian Manufacturing to Eastern Countries: Effects on
Productivity and the Labor Market, (with R. Dell'mour, P. Egger, K. Gugler,
Y. Wolfmayr-Schnitzer) in Arndt. S., Handler, H., Salvatore D., Eastern
Enlargement: The Sooner, the Better ? Austrian Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Labour, 2000.
Profitability Differences, Market Power and Competition Policy in Transition
Countries - an Overview of Methodology and Econometric Models of Market Power
and Concentration (with Karl Aiginger), Final research report, PHARE
ACE project No. P-2035, 2000.
Firmenspezifische Assets, Auslandsproduktion und Produktivität-Evidenz für österreichsiche Industriefirmen in R. Döhrn und G. Heiduk, Theorie und
Empirie der Direktinvestitionen, Schriftenreihe des RWI, N.F. Band 65,
1999. S. 55-74.
Theoretische Grundlagen der Globalisierungsdiskussion - Teil 2 (mit Peter
Egger), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft , 2/1999.
Theoretische Grundlagen der Globalisierungsdiskussion - Teil 1 (mit Peter
Egger), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft , 1/1999.
Die ¨stylized facts¨ der Globalisierung aus makro- und mikroökonomischer
Sicht, in Fusionen und Übernahmen, Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik 4,
Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte, Wien, 1998, pp. 19-43.
Globalisierungstendenzen in der österreichischen Wirtschaft, Corporate
Citizenship als neue wirtschaftspolitrische Herausforderung (with F. R. Hahn
and P. Mooslechner) Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik 2, Kammer für Arbeiter
und Angestellte, Wien, 1996.
Direktinvestitionen im Ausland: Die Determinanten der Direktinvestitionen im
Ausland und ihre Wirkung auf den Außenhandel, Physica-Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1996.
Die Determinanten der Direktinvestitionen im Ausland und ihre Wirkung auf die
Exporttätigkeit: Ein kurzer Überblick der theoretischen
Erklärungsansätze-Teil 2, 1995, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 3-4/95.
Die Determinanten der Direktinvestitionen im Ausland und ihre Wirkung auf die
Exporttätigkeit: Ein kurzer Überblick der theoretischen
Erklärungsansätze-Teil 1, 1995, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 2/95.
Unemployment Dynamics in Poland, A Report to the Minister of Labour and
Social Policy (with M. Riese and L. Flaschberger), OECD-CCEET, 1993, Linz.
Humankapital und Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von
Landwirten (with Ch.R. Weiss and J. Zweimüller), in:
"Internationalisierung und ihre Folgen für die Landwirtschaft,
Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift "Förderungsdienst", 1991,
WIFO webpage